Bayvarol Varroa Mite Treatment Strips (40)


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Records indicate that the varroa mite or varroa destructor arrived in the US in 1987. It then spread out globally and has since then become one of the most devastating parasites to beekeepers. They seem to have adapted to their parasitic life cycle, with the parasite developing within capped cells of honey bees. They have a faster development when compared to drone brood and will target these cells. They thus produce more offspring per cycle. They however avoid queen cells since these are not ideal for their life cycle. The royal jelly coupled with a short post-capping period for queen cells make the conditions unfavorable for varroa mites.

It is difficult to treat varroa mites during their development stages when in capped brood, as they usually escape chemical treatments. These 40 Bayvarol Varroa Mite Treatment Strips are formulated to counter this destructive mite in beekeeping during all its stages of development.

About the Product

The 40 pieces treatment pack is packaged into 2 with a single strip made up of 3.6mg of flumethrinum, also referred to as flumethrin. The specially formulated product is designed to discriminately target the varroa mite and completely annihilate the pest. It is a parasiticide that helps beekeepers diagnose and control the notorious varroa mite in their beehives.

The product offers dual purpose protection against infestation of varroa mites. It helps evaluate the level of mite infestation and then treats the honey bee colony against the pests. Its main ingredient only targets the varroa mite and is harmless to the honey bee.

Efficacy and Precaution

This is an effective product for varroa mite treatment. It targets the mites and leaves the honey bee unharmed. The bees themselves will distribute the substance through physical contact, making it even more effective. A single treatment of the substance will suffice even on heavily infested colonies.

The strips offer a longer lasting effect, which means it will work on mites that hatch from capped brood. It kills re-infesting mites for more than 8 weeks from the date of treatment.

This product should not be used during honey harvesting period.


It should be stored in dry areas under normal room temperature and away from reach of children. It should be kept away from water or humid conditions.

With all precautions observed, the product will have a shelf life of 2 years starting from the date or manufacture. Overall, it works as one would expect and gives longer lasting results.


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